DataMAPt, Inc. Public: MAPt Configuration Adding, Deleting, Editing

This section will teach you how to add, delete, and modify all your connections and start monitoring your systems as soon as possible.

(NOTE: All input fields with asterisks are required)


What is on this page - These windows represent the frequency at which the Extractors are run per Module Name. The Extractors are DataMAPt’s internal software which initiate the pulling sequence of monitored object data which then will be processed and displayed for the user displays.

Extra info - These Extractor frequencies can not be configured by the user at this time, but is being presented so that that they know how often data is being pulled.

Servers / Hardware

What is on this page - This will list all servers (physical, virtual, and storage) that have been defined.  You can sort on many columns and use the Search window to limit the number of servers (use can use Regex searches if you prefer!)

How do I add new servers? - From the orange Add New Hardware button on the upper right side of the window, select the appropriate object type that will be added and click Next

The required fields:

    • Hostname - The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the server
    • Environment - If you have multiple environments you can assign each server to a particular environment
    • O/S - The Operating System version that is currently installed on the server
    • Monitor Status - allows the user to select which monitoring status they would like.  The status falls into 2 categories:

Billable objects can have the following statuses:

  • Enable - Tells MAPt to monitor all modules for this object and send alerts as necessary
  • Blackout - The object will not be monitored, possibly for a schedule maintenance event.  The object will be considered as unavailable but not counted as down and won't impact unplanned availability.
  • Down - The object is not reachable.

Non-billable objects are defined by setting any of these statuses:

  • Disable - The MAPt tool will not monitor the object nor count it in the availability calculations
  • FW Request - The object will show up on the MAPt Dashboard page but is not reachable as we are waiting on connectivity (routing or firewall rules for example)
    • Credentials - Click the orange Add Credentials button to choose an existing Credentials Group or to add a single login credential for the server
    • Primary IP - Input the IP address that the MAPt service can initially access the server from
    • Network Name / Color - If there are multiple networks and VLANs, the user can create them first on the Network Definitions page
    • Data Center / Location - Identify where this physical server is located


What is on this page - This will list all databases that have been defined.  You can sort on many columns and use the Search window to limit the number of databases (use can use Regex searches if you prefer!)

How do I add new databases? - Click the orange Add New Database button on the upper right side of the window, input all the necessary information for that database and select the blue Add button. Please note that the server for which this database will be loaded on has to be added prior to adding the database.

Network Devices

What is on this page - This will list all servers (physical, virtual, and storage) that have been defined.  You can sort on many columns and use the Search window to limit the number of servers (use can use Regex searches if you prefer!)

How do I add new network devices? - From the orange Add New Hardware button on the upper right side of the window, select the appropriate object type that will be added and click Next

The required fields:

    • <device> name - The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the network server
    • Environment - If you have multiple environments you can assign each network server to a particular environment
    • Software Version - The Operating System version that is currently installed on the network server
    • Monitor Status - allows the user to select which monitoring status they would like.  The status falls into 2 categories:

Billable objects can have the following statuses:

  • Enable - Tells MAPt to monitor all modules for this object and send alerts as necessary
  • Blackout - The object will not be monitored, possibly for a schedule maintenance event.  The object will be considered as unavailable but not counted as down and won't impact unplanned availability.
  • Down - The object is not reachable.

Non-billable objects are defined by setting any of these statuses:

  • Disable - The MAPt tool will not monitor the object nor count it in the availability calculations
  • FW Request - The object will show up on the MAPt Dashboard page but is not reachable as we are waiting on connectivity (routing or firewall rules for example)

    • Credentials - Click the orange Add Credentials button to choose an existing Credentials Group or to add a single login credential for the server
    • Primary IP - Input the IP address that the MAPt service can initially access the server from
    • Network Name / Color - If there are multiple networks and VLANs, the user can create them first on the Network Definitions page
    • Data Center / Location - Identify where this physical server is located


What is on this page - This will list all workstations and end-user devices that have been defined.  You can sort on many columns and use the Search window to limit the number of servers (use can use Regex searches if you prefer!)

How do I add new workstations? - From the orange Add New Workstation button on the upper right side of the window, select the appropriate object type that will be added and click Next

The required fields:

    • Name - The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the workstation / laptop
    • Environment - If you have multiple environments you can assign each network server to a particular environment
    • O/S - The Operating System version that is currently installed on the workstation / laptop
    • Monitor Status - allows the user to select which monitoring status they would like.  The status falls into 2 categories:

Billable objects can have the following statuses:

  • Enable - Tells MAPt to monitor all modules for this object and send alerts as necessary
  • Blackout - The object will not be monitored, possibly for a schedule maintenance event.  The object will be considered as unavailable but not counted as down and won't impact unplanned availability.
  • Down - The object is not reachable.

Non-billable objects are defined by setting any of these statuses:

  • Disable - The MAPt tool will not monitor the object nor count it in the availability calculations
  • FW Request - The object will show up on the MAPt Dashboard page but is not reachable as we are waiting on connectivity (routing or firewall rules for example)
    • Credentials- Click the orange Add Credentials button to choose an existing Credentials Group or to add a single login credential for the server
    • IP Address - Choose if this device has a static or dynamic IP Address
    • Primary IP - Input the IP address that the MAPt service can initially access the server from
    • Network Name / Color - If there are multiple networks and VLANs, the user can create them first on the Network Definitions page

  • Associations and Groups

    • Credential Groups - Create groups for objects that share the same login information
    • Environments - List all environments used by your company
    • Groups/Applications - Allows you to group and classify all objects in many different ways
    • Network Definitions - Track each network or VLAN.  The networks are used by the extractors to know which objects to monitor
    • Data Centers - Details about all Data Centers and Cloud networks
    • Extractor Locations - Track where each Extractor is located (internally or external via VPN for example)
    • Filesystem  Classes - Group similar filesystems for more complete reporting


    • Create templates to scan network ranges for connected devices
    • Run multiple scans
    • View details of objects discovered by your scans
    • Quickly add discovered objects to be monitored

    For more information on our powerful discovery feature, please read: Using Auto-Discovery to Add Objects