Remote Sites
Use Cases

Case 1: Radio/Cell Tower not easily Accessible

A microwave tower configuration can have multiple towers located in remote locations across a very large, and difficult to access area. Troubleshooting issues can be cumbersome and expensive.

DataMAPt can monitor the hardware and IoT devices at each wireless radio and cell tower installation, with possibly no on site installation required due to our cloud based SaaS model. Accurately monitor uptime, network throughput, modulation, frequency and more on network devices to ensure your wireless WAN is connected and moving data optimally.

As new towers are added into the wireless network, DataMAPt can auto-discover the new locations and automatically start monitoring the nework devices.

Case 2: Distant Oil/Natural Gas Wells

Many locations for extracting oil or gas may be in some of the most inaccessible areas.

DataMAPt can remotely access any network connected well tree or other configuration, whether it is on land, or offshore, and take advantage of all monitorable data points.

Using DataMAPt's SaaS architecture, start aggregating data and analyzing locations immediately. Alerts can be created to ensure the safety of the well project, and reports can be made to show overall progress and areas of improvement.